Welcome to Telltale Games! A British company, makers of Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure Games.
(Not to be confused with previous American Tell Tale Games who made the Walked Dead…)
Makers of Hidden Object Games
Welcome to Telltale Games! A British company, makers of Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure Games.
(Not to be confused with previous American Tell Tale Games who made the Walked Dead…)
Telling tales, the hidden object way…
Telltale Games is a new UK company set up to make and distribute Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure games. We use development teams in Europe and management and other talent in the UK to make all our titles. We also acquire games in progress from other developers to help them finish their titles.
We have just acquired Pride and Prejudice: Blood Secret from a developer to help them finish and release their title! Very excited to have this title on our roster!
If you are a developer of Hidden Object games, looking for funding, contact us at info@telltalegamesltd.com.